Feasibility Studies/
Needs Assessment
Little River Road Fire Substation
Westfield, MA
The study included field review of existing conditions of site, architectural, structural, HVAC, plumbing, fire protection, electrical, accessibility and building code needs. An assessment was also conducted of the fire department’s needs for living space, office & training facilities, apparatus space, equipment / storage, support spaces and potential for community use. The site was evaluated for potential expansion. Recommendations for building upgrades, reconfiguration and expansion were provided. Cost estimates were established for the probable cost of the recommended renovations.
Groton Senior Center
Needs Assessment & Feasibility Study
Groton, MA
Space needs assessment of the current and future needs of the Council on Aging was established during meetings with the Study Committee & COA Staff.
Feasibility Study prepared for renovation and / or addition to three (3) different existing buildings: the current Senior Center; Prescott School and Groton Country Club. Further study provided for sites at Farmer’s Row, the existing Groton Electric Dept., and the existing Senior Center, complete with conceptual drawings.
The Study was completed along with prospective schedules and cost estimates for the design and construction of all options. The ECC included site work, building construction, utility installation, and parking areas. The design costs included preparation of the plans and specifications, bidding phases, construction administration, OPM, as-built drawings, and commissioning.
Completed by Reinhardt Associates, Inc.
Springfield Central Library Conditions Assessment & Universal Accessibility
Springfield, MA
Our firm conducted an architectural and structural analysis of the structure’s interior, exterior and site. Conceptual plans were developed for interior rehabilitation based on programmatic priorities and universal accessibility / code requirements.